© Copyright G.R.P.Technology 2018 - Adelaide Australia
Developing products can be a long and expensive business.
Here's how the smart people do it !
Start with the end in mind !
Look first, in general terms only, at the 'big' picture.
You need to give some thought to each of the 4 main issues.
Product - Process - Market - Money.
Failure to do so - can be your undoing !
Product - design with useful feature benefits.
Process - that allows manufacture for a reasonable price.
Market - a customer that wants to buy it at the approx.
price you can sell it at
Money - a source of money to bring the project to conclusion.
The Key questions for - You - are ........
► Do you have a Unique Selling Proposition ?
for your invention, product or service
(feature that puts you ahead of the opposition !)
► How are you going to reach your target market ?
► How are you going to attract investors ?
► How are you going to attract distributors ?
► Does your product design look great ?
► Can you manufacture it for a reasonable product cost ?
► Do you have effective product brochures ?
► Effective Technical Manuals to maximise follow-on business ?
► Can you control the quality ?
► Is the product packaged effectively to sell ?
► Are the margins for you and your distributors high enough ?
► How are you going to protect your investment ?
Your intellectual property ?
► How are you going to reach the export market ?
► Do you have a web site ?
► Do you have a business plan ?
► Do you have a pitch document to sell your product or your
company ?
We can help you get the answers to all these questions.
This whole process leads up to the Customer.
The Customer should be the Start & End of your journey.
To the Customer :-
- What extra benefits can you offer ?
- What better value ?
- What better service ?
If you can't offer any of the above don't bother starting the
journey. Keep putting yourself in your Customer's shoes !
What gets people really focused on the chart above
If you have a contractor/s make something for you,
by the time it gets to the retail Customer it's price
has increased by about 3 and sometimes
up to 5 times !
Why ?
Well by the time the Distributor (sometimes there is
more than one) puts on their % and the Retailer puts
their % on top of that - the product price grows
This all means pressure on the Manufacturing cost -
can you reduce the processing cost - change the
design - alter the raw materials ??
Alternatively - can you include feature benefits that
justify the higher cost?
This is why you work around this loop above to get a
successful product.
Before tooling up for it you can work out the
approximate end selling price, and see if it is what
the customer is prepared to pay - if not - change the
design and revise the cost.
If you are an inventor or product developer we can
put a vast amount of expertise at your disposal.
This is a summary of the things we can do for You
Advice and help with the following ...... to commercialise
your product.
Assessment of the Product for the client - The concept - How it could be manufactured - can expensive tooling be avoided -
Rough costs involved - sizing up available.
Marketing information - feature benefits - competition - price - Distribution - possible patent or design protection - is it worth
the journey ?
Send client off to Patent Attorney - Patent search want full copies of anything that looks 'close' - as useful background
information can flow from this including potential distributors, potential purchasers of IT, the Product. or license. Need an
opinion on what appears, at this stage, on the best method of protection.
See more detail below.
Prototypes may be from cardboard, plastic, plaster or metal. It may already exist. This has great hands-on value and comes
to grips with some 'real-live-world' 3D issues. This can be also be done in 3D software, but the hands-on model is
invaluable. See more comments below.
Acquire marketing data - competition - selling prices -
distribution cost ?
All leading to - approximately what have we got to make it for
Feature benefits of competitive products.
Market size ?
Are the feature benefits envisaged worthwhile ?
How are you going to distribute it ?
Absolute detail is a waste at this stage - is it worth proceeding
► Learn More
At this point we can usually always add some
more feature benefits.
What modifications are required - effect of
price ? - the issue of the inventor 'climbing
into the real commercial world'.
Variations to design.
Work through with client the potential product design detail
and possible compromises to the satisfaction of the client.
(Procurement of specific components & raw materials can
sometimes be a lengthy task).
The process of drawing up product design
detail with several views and associated
dimensions. Note :- these drawings are
always in colour - highly graphic to get the
message across to the clients, potential
investors - or licensees !
We are in the business of selling concepts !
In prototypes we are looking for refinement of the features,
sizing and 3D issues - design styling - the fitting of parts, ease
of, in 'the-real-live-world' - tolerances - colour - finish.
The aim is to resolve as many of the issues that can't easily be
resolved on paper, and get something we can demonstrate,
and photograph for brochure and "preselling" purposes. Some
'pictures' can come from 3D software, (varies with the type
and nature of the project).
With the information above, photos of
prototype, and drawings, we will put together
a data sheet, and brochures. Draft specs. and
other information.
This can serve as a basis and can be further
updated as the project proceeds.
This can be used as a pre-selling tool.
A Product or company logo can be generated
if required.
This information can then be forwarded to a
Patent Attorney for background information.
As plans are now to go out for quotes - From this point forward
protection of the concept becomes an issues as the number of
people involved increases and supervision becomes difficult.
Protection should now be put in place - Patent, Registered
Design or otherwise.
Confidentiality agreements can also be used.
For more detail on this subject click here
What normally happens in the 'real world' is that the quotes for manufacture come back and so often you
find the cost is too high, and so variations in the ... Raw Materials - design - Processing Method -
Manufacturing source (local -Overseas)
These changes are made to get the cost into line with what the marketing data estimated it would
effectively sell at - only rough figures at this stage.
We can help you in all the above areas and more.
We have a summary list document here
And then ?